
The Few and Cursed

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to The Few and Cursed & Timberwolf Entertainment online store! Please scroll down for all our titles, collectibles and extras including digital editions of every comic book and sold out editions like both 321: Fast Comics volumes. The Few and Cursed is a creator-owned comic book series about people trying to survive a wicked world where most of the water was gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event in 1840. Red is a hardened survivor that was born in this reality and now fights to protect the innocent. As for every darkness there is also light among those few and cursed there are those willing to fight to bring balance to the lands: the Curse Chasers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Flying to Mexico this weekend and then (hopefully!) to the US \o/
over 3 years ago – Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 04:59:05 AM

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know my flights are confirmed after a quick shift of dates and I leave for quarantine in Mexico over this weekend and then on October 12th I will be on my way to Florida. This is happening, Operation Quesadilla is about to start and fulfillment will finally happen!

I wanted to acknowledge your patience, support and understanding these past few months one more time, thank you all so much.

I will recap my dates below and as we move closer and closer to actually shipping everything my updates will be more regular.

  •  September 27th - Flight to Mexico
  •  September 27th until October 12th - Quarantine in Mexico City
  •  Around October 5th - Last chance to update shipping addresses before I lock them up. I will share a KS Update with instructions to update your shipping address on BackerKit if  need be.
  •  October 12th - Flight to Miami, FL
  •  October 13th - Fulfillment begins. I expect to take about two or three weeks to ship all the packages. It's  a pretty big fulfillment with over 1000 parcels that I had hoped to do  with Fabiano but having to do it on my own will make things a bit slower.
  •  October 29th - Launch of something pretty exciting I know a lot of you have been waiting for...
I don't think I've ever shared how awesome the coins turned out!

From all the dates above the most important one is October 5th. Because fulfillment is so far behind our original schedule I will need you all to revise your shipping information. A lot can happen in six months, I'm sure some of you moved along the way, others have changed their routines and can't have stuff shipped to their offices and so on.

So please make sure you are getting my updates to avoid any shipping problems.

Other than that I will send another update from Mexico as I slowly feel the pressures and stress lifting off my shoulders \o/



P.S.: Something wicked is coming... 

Operation Quesadilla is a GO! Click for details and fulfillment dates, folks!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 12:42:39 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Travel still banned... fulfillment still on hold... but here's a sneak peek at future Redhead cards =)
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 04:10:06 AM

Hey everyone, howdy,

I really wish I had better news to share but the world is just kaput. The US has not lifted the travel ban for travelers coming in from Brazil, heck, they haven't even lifted the travel ban for people coming in from Europe and that ban was announced back in March... ouch!

I've been really losing my mind looking for ways to make it to the US so I can continue my job and my career but when you come across graphs like this it's a bit disheartening:

You'll notice that Mexico surprisingly has no travel restrictions so I've been looking at the possibility of flying to Mexico, quarantining there for 14 days and then catching a flight into the US. Technically that would work because the ban is not for people with a Brazilian passport but rather if you've been in Brazil in the past 14 days prior to entry in the US.

Operation Quesadilla will be taken into serious consideration in about a month. This wouldn't be cheap to pull off and not without its risks as well so I've decided to wait until late August to figure out whether I will try this in September. But yeah, at least there is "a plan" on the table to consider, not the best one, but one nonetheless.

I completely understand how frustrating it must be to wait over a year for a project you helped fund so successfully but believe me you are not alone. This has been completely upsetting for me as it put all The Few and Cursed plans I had for 2020 on indefinite hold. It put my career on pause to be quite honest.

I can't apologize enough for this situation and at the same time thank you all for being so understanding and patient. With everything that's going on it was quite the nice surprise not to get any angry e-mails or comments (you are all well in your right to vent so feel totally free to do so).

Onward to slightly good news though, folks...


It matters because backers in Brazil for a local crowdfunding unlocked so many Stretch Goals we were able to fund the art on two extra collectible cards by top artists which will be available as freebies in a future KS campaign as Stretch Goals.

Last year The Few and Cursed #6 crowdfunding was also a huge success in Brazil and we got the following cards done (which will be given away as part of the art book's stretch goal unlocks, see how these things go around?):

So excuse me the images in Portuguese but please welcome returning artists to the Redhead little corner of the world: Gilberto Martimiamo Jr. and Alexandre Tso!

They will both be doing a brand new collectible card each, numbers 3 and 4 of the Emerald series. As I've said before these will be part of Stretch Goals when the world allows us to have new Kickstarter campaigns =)

Check out their previous art for The Few and Cursed and local Brazilian posts announcing the cards. I can't wait to see their new take on Red.

That's it for today and for the next four weeks. 

I will catch you all again in about a month either with good news about the travel ban being lifted or details on Operation Quesadilla. If anything changes before then you will be the first to hear about it.

Thank you all so much!


All products have arrived in Florida and are safely stored away... no clue when the travel ban will be lifted :(
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 11:14:23 AM

Howdy, my friends,

I'm afraid I have some bittersweet news to share with you all. Every single item to be shipped in this Kickstarter is now safely stored in Florida just waiting for Fabiano and I to arrive, process and pack. 

Those are the good news and you can check out some photos along this update.

However, it's been almost a month since the last update and things did not get any better as far as COVID-19 in Brazil. Not only we are amidst the worst health crisis since the Spanish Flu with the death toll rising by a thousand every day we are also going through a political upheaval. 

Just to give you all some context. Since the pandemic started the federal government already fired two health ministers that did not agree with their policy regarding social distancing and the use of chloroquine and then they just gave up appointing a new one so for the last month it's been pretty much every person fending for themselves... that's right, it's been a month since we had someone overseeing the Health policies in Brazil.

These were printed on aluminum! Can't wait to continue the Alloy Series and work on more of these :)

Fabiano and I are as safe as possible. We both live in regions that thankfully were not hit as hard as the rest of the country. The state where I live, Santa Catarina, for instance recorded "only" 200+ deaths so far and we've been exemplary in the fight against COVID.

I'm afraid though we won't be able to travel abroad anytime soon and I can't even guess a date for the fulfillment to start. As I explained in my previous Update as soon as the travel ban is lifted we're boarding the first plane and starting immediately.

Fabiano and I had a lot planned for 2020 with The Few and Cursed but until we fulfill all the outstanding Kickstarters (this one, Shadow Nation and the Art Book) we won't be releasing anything new or launching new campaigns.

The comics and cards produced in China are now in a storage in FL

We are still hard at work on future content for The Few and Cursed though so hopefully when we do get to launch the new Kickstarters they won't take so long to fulfill.

I sincerely apologize for this whole experience. What started as the most successful Kickstarter I ever did with such massive support turned out to be the biggest challenge in my career but rest assured your rewards are just waiting to be shipped out to every backer and we will get over this.

And once again I wanted to thank all of you for the understanding and kindness you've all shown, I got nothing but messages of encouragement and support from all of you during this crisis and that means the world to me.

Until the next update - hopefully with good news only - and you all stay safe!



Brazil travel ban delays fulfillment... please read!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, May 25, 2020 at 10:12:29 PM

Well, what I feared most has come true...

The US has issued a travel ban for flights coming from Brazil into the US:

This news directly affects me and fulfillment of this Kickstarter. Fabiano and I had flights scheduled on June 4th (after two rescheduling/cancellations by the airline) and now God knows when we will be able to finally make the trip.

I had already bought all the shipping supplies, all rewards have been manufactured, everything was ready to rock as soon as we were able to fly to Florida. This is most unfortunate. 

I had big plans for The Few and Cursed for 2020, a lot of convention appearances, new books and products, and everything has been constantly changing as the pandemic events unfolded. I do want to apologize once again for the multiple delays on this fulfillment.

While a lot that has happened was outside my control or Fabiano's the project is our responsibility and had we completed production in December as originally intended this Kickstarter would have been long fulfilled. So please accept my, and Fabiano's, most sincere apologies.


I wish I had a better answer but I actually don't know. The travel ban has been implemented without a definitive time period. It will last as long as Trump and his administration deems necessary, I don't even know what's gonna happen to my plane tickets, I still have to call the airline for info.

Last I heard from the transport company the books are still en route to the US and should be arriving at the port in the next few days. I will coordinate with them to arrange safe storage for the products for as long as it is needed.

I'm having a friend pick up the shipping supplies as they get delivered in the next few days and with that everything will be put on hold indefinitely.

Rest assured though that as soon as the ban is lifted Fabiano and I will jump on a plane and begin fulfillment immediately.

Things around here in Brazil are pretty bad and our death toll hasn't even peaked yet so while the ban was bad news I'm afraid it wasn't surprising or unwarranted. I sincerely hope we get through this as fast as possible, pardon my French, but it's a really shitty situation to be in...


I would like to remind you all that the entire Few and Cursed saga is available online in digital format and all digital rewards have been distributed. So if you were waiting to read the final chapter or waiting to read it all in one swing I don't want this delay to further stop you from doing that.

All your digital rewards are available at all times. Just hit the link below and input your Kickstarter registered e-mail to retrieve them:

The last item we had being manufactured was the coin. This is the 3D file used to print the mold, we were right on schedule to have these gorgeous coins delivered around June 5th...

That's it for today's update. As always I will continue to share any news that come my way so nobody is left in the dark. I wish I had better news and I'm sure they will come eventually. Once again I'm sorry for the delay but please let's all be patient and hang in there.

Any comments, questions, critiques, my e-mail is always available at [email protected]

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive.

All the best,
