
The Few and Cursed

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to The Few and Cursed & Timberwolf Entertainment online store! Please scroll down for all our titles, collectibles and extras including digital editions of every comic book and sold out editions like both 321: Fast Comics volumes. The Few and Cursed is a creator-owned comic book series about people trying to survive a wicked world where most of the water was gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event in 1840. Red is a hardened survivor that was born in this reality and now fights to protect the innocent. As for every darkness there is also light among those few and cursed there are those willing to fight to bring balance to the lands: the Curse Chasers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last update of 2019! Thanks so much for a fantastic year and let's wrap it up in style enjoying Shadow Nation's LAST DAYS on Kickstarter =D
over 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 08:46:49 PM

Howdy fellas!

Just wanted to reach out one last time this year for a quick update on production of issue #6 and another "call-to-arms" for Shadow Nation as we go into our LAST FEW DAYS on Kickstarter. That's right, the Kickstarter ends next week on Thursday Dec. 19th.

We're currently sitting at 690 backers and $26K raised having unlocked half of all the Stretch Goals planned. I'd love to go all the way to $35K and unlock every single extra content. I know we can do this, together we can do anything, so if you haven't come check out Shadow Nation yet, come on over, help us go past 1.000 backers again.

You never know what might happen if we hit 1.000 backers..... ;)

Layout/Pencils by Yama Orce for the back-cover of the regular edition

The artwork by Rui Silveira is simply stunning and I'm sure it will match Fabiano's quality narrative for The Few and Cursed universe. I'm hoping to be able to expand the universe more and more giving different characters their own graphic novel by different artists.

But it all starts with LaVerne.


We just had Comic Con Experience this past weekend in São Paulo, Brazil, and Fabiano and I were able to connect personally to discuss the future of the series and how our 2020 is shaping up.

We're confident it's going to be a fantastic year (plus we loved how our totem looked at the show!)

As soon as he wraps up TFAC#6 we will immediately start working on the next arc. 

With the trade and art book coming up on Kickstarter before the next comic book we have a chance to finally get ahead of the campaigns meaning we want to finish a couple of books before actually coming over to Kickstarter and making it available to you all.

That way we will keep delays to a minimum. We feel for you, we know how frustrating and disappointing delays can be so we've been talking how to minimize them during production.

Fabiano just started working on the last third of TFAC#6 and he's really delivering his best work on the series until now. Our goal continues to prioritize quality over time so I haven't been sweating him to finish the book as fast as possible and in turn he's really investing the time to knock you all out.

Seriously, check out a couple of his last pages:

We still have a lot of you that have not answered their Surveys. Almost 200 backers have yet to get back to me through BackerKit.

I cannot stress this enough: without the BackerKit Surveys filled out I will not be able to ship or e-mail you the rewards. It's that simple.

Surveys will be up online and available until January 15th and remember that whatever add-ons you choose on top of your original pledges will not be charged until that same date. Your credit cards will only be charged after the surveys lock.

Never got your Survey? No problem. Hit the link below and input your Kickstarter registered e-mail when prompted:

Don't forget... Shadow Nation is ending its Kickstarter next week on Dec. 19th! Make sure you don't miss the opportunity to grab the Kickstarter exclusive hardcover along with all the unlocked content \o/

Thanks so much for your continued support, understanding and patience with The Few and Cursed. You all have made this year of 2019 quite special and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for us.

Happy Holidays and talk to you all again next year!



BackerKit Surveys have been sent! Check your e-mails and remember: they are MANDATORY!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Dec 02, 2019 at 10:13:44 PM

Alrighty, things have been squared away with BackerKit after Thanksgiving weekend and I'm finally glad to announce BACKERKIT SURVEYS HAVE BEEN SENT! And you really can't and won't get your rewards - digital ones included - if you don't fill those out.

If you haven't received your BackerKit invite please follow these steps:

Keep an eye out on your Spam Folder or Junk Mail. E-mails will come either directly from myself (Felipe Cagno) or BackerKit and will say Response Needed -- Get your reward for The Few and Cursed #6 on the subject line.

If you didn't spot them manually, try using the "Search" feature from your e-mail account and look for either my name or BackerKit.

If none of the above hasn't worked then click the link below, hit the "Lost your Survey?" and input your Kickstarter registered e-mail when prompted:

Backers will have a LAST CHANCE to add a Kickstarter Exclusive foil edition to their pledges on top of a myriad of collectible and other goodies released in previous campaigns. Make sure to scroll down the Add-Ons section to see if there's anything that fancies you.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit cards are not charged immediately. They are only charged after the surveys lock down on January 15th.

Shipping Problems, Missing rewards or any other issues

Glitches might happen. I'm prone to mistakes. There were a lot of items unlocked through Stretch Goals so if you notice anything out of place do not hesitate to either leave a comment on this update, shoot me a message or e-mail me at [email protected]

If you have any problems filling out the surveys as well or adding items to your pledge I'm always here to help make this experience as smooth as possible.

Nobody reported anything yet so fingers crossed it's all good. And because credit cards aren't charged right away just add items at your convenience and if there's anything wrong with pricing or shipping we can correct it before the charges go through.

Check out some other comic books I've written or pick up a copy of Fabiano Neves' art book \o/

You will be free to go back at any moment to make any changes, edit your add-on order and whatnot until January 15th when Surveys lock down.

I'm trying to cover any and all big questions in this one long update and my previous one (click here to read the BackerKit FAQ!)  but obviously if there is still anything confusing do not hesitate to contact me. I might not answer right away but I usually get back to everyone within 24 hours.

Thanks again for making this an awesome Kickstarter, you guys are the best!!

Last but not least: SHADOW NATION unlocked one more Stretch Goal!

I bet you'll be craving for more Few and Cursed tales after reading issue #6 so why not make sure you have something else coming your way, right?

We have unlocked one more Stretch Goal over Thanksgiving and we're less than $700 away from the next one, let's do this! \o/

Thanks so much! 


BackerKit Surveys on hold until Monday because of Thanksgiving... sorry!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 11:59:10 PM

Hey everyone,

A lot of you might be wondering whether the BackerKit Surveys have been sent already. I did announce they were coming up yesterday. As it happens while I did finish them yesterday BackerKit management still needs to go over everything before I can send them out.

And their offices are closed in observance of Thanksgiving. Can't blame them, big holiday, and I wish I could have finished the surveys sooner but it is what it is. So here's the official word on it:


The good news is I took longer than expected to set them up because you have unlocked so many Stretch Goals that every single package to be mailed out will come with at least 18 items. It was not easy to index everything but I did my best and among the cards, prints, coins, extra comics and digital rewards, everyone is getting one heck of a package in the mail.

And that is awesome. And I hope we can do it again with Shadow Nation \o/

So if you haven't pledged yet, why not come over and help us unlock yet another Stretch Goal on this Thanksgiving day?

I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving with family and friends and I'm thankful to have your support and understanding. A new update is coming up on Monday, until then...



BackerKit Surveys coming this week - please read since they are MANDATORY, folks!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 12:42:28 AM

Hey everyone,

Before we get into the BackerKit Surveys just a quick reminder that Shadow Nation is LIVE on Kickstarter and we're already chasing down the Stretch Goals. It would be totally awesome if you all jumped on it and helped us move down the list:

Alright, BackerKit Surveys, they are coming this week on Wednesday. I wanted to send them out today but I've been really busy with fulfillment of the Lost Kids #2 Kickstarter and had to push this a couple of days. In case you are wondering though, here's what about 300 packages going out looks like:

This the LOST KIDS #2 fulfillment, I just thought it'd be interesting to share what I've been doing for the last five days.

Let's talk about BackerKit Surveys real quick to make sure fulfillment goes as smoothly as possible. First and most important:


Meaning you don't fill them out you don't get your rewards. I know this might sound obvious but every Kickstarter I run there are about 20 to 30 backers that simply choose to ignore the surveys making it impossible for me to mail their rewards. Without the surveys I don't even have a shipping address to send stuff to...

If you don't complete your BackerKit Survey then your pledge is forfeit and the cash invested will be considered a donation towards the project so please make sure you do get your BackerKit Survey and fill it out.

On that note:

On Wednesday Nov. 27th you’ll receive an email with a personal link to your BackerKit Survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as possible since I'll need the information before sending items to production - the surveys will  tell me each item count and that's why these are going out already so far ahead of the actual shipping date.

Surveys will be sent to the e-mail account you registered with Kickstarter and they may end up in your Spam or Junk folder. I'll send another update confirming the Surveys have been sent and when that happens please search your e-mail for BackerKit.

Please note: If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for  your Facebook account.

Artwork for one of the collectible cards

How long will BackerKit surveys be online?

I will lock down surveys around January 15th. After that time, backers will not be able to add anything on to their pledges or fix any payment issues occurred during the Kickstarter campaign.

This also marks the LAST CHANCE to grab the Kickstarter Exclusive Edition that will be printed on demand with a chromium finish, so be sure to get your survey in before that date!

Also, credit cards are not charged immediately when you finish up your survey if you added anything to your pledges. I just need an item count confirmation so I can have the printer get all the quantities correctly - especially the PRINT ON DEMAND Kickstarter exclusive edition.

*** Your credit cards will only be charged after January 15th when the Surveys lock. ***

Do I need to sign-up for BackerKit?

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out the survey. When you receive the email just click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping  information, and purchase add-on items if you like.

What happens if I need to update my Shipping Address after January 15th?

If you need to review your shipping information you can always return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link again under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page.

Addresses won't be locked until a week or two prior to shipping and I will reach out again specifically to ask for address confirmation so really do not worry about this right now.

What about any add-ons I already purchased through Kickstarter during the campaign?

That's why BackerKit is so important. It sees you over-pledged and gives you extra credit to be used towards any add-ons. Just pick whatever you like from the menu on the third screen and use the extra credit.

Don't worry if you go over whatever credit you have, you will be able to pay any leftover balance at the end of the process. This is also the opportunity to add anything extra to your pledge.

Any questions about BackerKit, the process, add-ons, anything really, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected]

Have a good one and until the next update!


The Few and Cursed: Shadow Nation is now LIVE on Kickstarter! Who's helping this one fund on Day 1?!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 01:08:29 AM

It's time to explore a brand new corner of the Red universe, folks! The Few and Cursed: Shadow Nation is now LIVE on Kickstarter and welcoming pledges :D

I really hope to see many of you pledging on Day 1 as it is really important to blast off out of the gate to be highlighted among so many comic books around here.

Thanks so much for your continued support of The Few and Cursed, as I always say, it never goes unnoticed and you are always the reason we get to keep doing what we love.

All the best!
